Thursday 21 July 2011

Fukushima bans shipment of beef

If you've heard the radio, or watch the news, or read the newspaper, I'm sure everyone would be alarmed by the latest news on Fukushima banning the shipment of beef!

Why is it so?!

Due to the earthquake that occurred just months ago and the nuclear plant breaking down, fearing of the spread of radiation. And we were assured that food(s) from Japan were safe for consumption and there are no radioactive contamination.

BUT, now shipment of beef is banned because of the fear that the meat are all contaminated.

"More than 500 cows are thought to have eaten radiation-tainted hay and already been shipped to other parts of Japan."
Taken from:

"Consumers are extremely concerned, despite the government saying that eating the contaminated beef a few times is not harmful to health at current levels. Experts say this scare could cause people to avoid eating beef completely and severely hurt the industry in the short term.
People were already wary after some vegetables, milk, seafood and tea had all been found to have higher radiation levels since the nuclear disaster. But again the government has said the radiation in these food products is not at levels harmful to human health. "
Taken from:

AVA will conduct thorough checks, but do be careful of what you consume too!

Gladys Lim

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